Communication & marketing consultant ◦ Clara Web Digital
Lyon (France), 05/31/2019
To whom it may concern,
Working with Frédéric is a real pleasure.
He is always committed to his projects and it is rare to have the chance to collaborate with professionals of this level.
Frédéric focuses on every detail. This is his strength for the job he has chosen.
Apart from his professional quality, Frédéric is a very endearing personality. He takes care to create with his collaborators a frank cordiality and it is very rare to see him in a bad mood.
What I appreciate beyond his kindness is his frankness and honesty. He does not pretend and leaves no doubt about his abilities: if he does not know, he says it. And that's one of the reasons I give him my complete confidence. This allows to have very fruitful exchanges in the professional field because the tasks entrusted to Frédéric are always perfectly executed.
However, this energy that he puts to the work is far to be dry and sterile, on the contrary: he knows how to show initiative, curiosity and his remarks are always relevant, suitable to enrich the project of new ideas.
Often quiet and focused, Frédéric is a person with tremendous kindness. He will always do his best to help others in difficult moments. His kindness and the way he deals with tensions are more than welcome when projects are arduous and flare up.
His calmness, self-control and knowledge play an enviable stabilizing role in a team. Respectable professional, he has all my affection and my confidence: if only I could always work with people like him!